Clifford group quantum error correction
Clifford group quantum error correction


In this work, we describe a similar duality theory for tensor powers of Clifford unitaries. Is spanned by the permutations of the t tensor factors. At its heart is the statement that the space of operators that commute with the t-fold tensor powers $$U^$$ 100–104 (2009)ĭ. Gottesman, Stabilizer codes and quantum error correction(phd thesis) (1997).AbstractSchur–Weyl duality is a ubiquitous tool in quantum information.


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clifford group quantum error correction

Irreversibility and heat generation in the computing process. Moore, Cramming more components onto integrated circuits, reprinted from electronics, volume 38, number 8, Apr. T- count, ancillary cost, and T- depth that connected with the quantum circuit of full adder circuit in fault-tolerant logic. We have also calculated the performance parameters viz. In this work, we focus on the implementation of Majority-based 1-bit and n-bit Full Adder (FA) in the fault-tolerant quantum logic circuits. On the other hand, the majority-based data structure converts a ripple-carry adder into a carry-look ahead adder. Due to the efficient physical implementation of promising QECC on multiple quantum technologies, the Clifford+T group of Quantum operators is nowadays commonly used for the fault-tolerant Quantum circuit realizations.

clifford group quantum error correction

Literally, quantum states are fragile highly sensitive toward noise which requires regular encoding and decoding of quantum information through quantum error-correcting code (QECC) so as to accomplish fault tolerance. The single most important challenge to that ambitious goal is the handling of noise. The rapid progress in quantum technologies, as well as quantum algorithms, has paved the way for general-purpose, scalable quantum computers.

Clifford group quantum error correction